Login US (Hong Kong) Limited
has been evolving from IT engineering and computer components retailer to a service provider focusing on ICT solution and construction engineering service for the past decade. Since 2003, Login US is starting their IT retailing business in HK. Carrying a wide range of computer and IT products has rapidly gain Login US a reputation in the industry. In 2006, Login US setup a team of engineering professionals to race the increasing heat of SME customers demanding for outsource IT service. In 2008, Login US has formally setup another division – Login US (Hong Kong) Ltd. to differentiate their ICT solution and system integration service from the traditional IT retailing business. Having a renowned reputation, starting in 2012, customers referrals were leading Login US (HK) into another business territory of construction engineering service in Macau and PRC.
Our Mission
"Your Concern…. is Our Concern"
Understanding the challenges you face is always our business to care. Before any solution, Login US will stay at your side to listen, understand and to know what you need. With a strong support backed by our top-notch vendors and suppliers, confident contractors, proactive engineering experts and our professional caring team, Login US is ready to provide the best solution for you and your business.
"We Achieve Your Goals"
With years of experience, Login US have learn that there is no single solution for every different needs of business in this ever changing world. To help customers finding their best solution is our mission here at Login US. We are committed to spend the hardest effort on building strength in system integration across a wide spectrum of industries and offering the best consultation and solution for business applications, construction engineering, product implementation, hardware design and development, maintenance and support.